For your convenience and comfort Dom Hotel Classic offers:
Floss pillow «Premium»
Provides you high-class comfort thanks to ergonomic features of goose floss.
- Filling: 60% — goose floss, 40% — goose feather
- Absorbs humidity
- Doesn’t cause sweating
- Non-allergenic
- Antibacterial treatment
Two-layer pillow «Dolly»
The external cover — natural high-quality wool, known for its curing properties since old times. Lanoline contained in wool, calms the nervous system, improves the general state of health. The inner layer — ecologically clean «Ecofiber».
The pillow «Dolly» follows the form of a body that allows to support the backbone orthopedically correctly.
Pillow «Mais»
Pillow «Mais» with innovate high — technology corn fiber filler in a cotton cloth, having the features elastic, softness and comfort, gives you a healthy dream.
Pillow with replaceable cartridge made of buckwheat husks
Up-to-date pillow with orthopedic effect. Massager — roller filled with buckwheat husks, provides a support of cervical vertebrae during sleeping.
- Relieves the neck muscles
- Leads to correct breathing
- Renders a light massage
Pillow «Bamboo»
Thank to its origin, the filling is ecologically mild and has wonderful fanning action. Moreover, bamboo grain has extra antibacterial properties: more than 70% of bacteria, getting on it, are destroyed in natural way.
Pillow «Cotton»
Pillow «Cotton» in cotton cloth with cotton fiber, having orthopedic, hypoallergenic, antistatic properties, is for every person who cares about his health and evaluates the beauty.